Monday, January 25, 2010

Life at lpu

At LPU, life is an exciting tale of learning, progression and celebration. It’s all about having hands on new experiences in instilling in oneself the drive to learn more,  acquire more and deliver more. It’s a place that drives to you to rise higher and higher and touch the pinnacle of your possibilities.

An Eminent seat of learning: At LPU, the actions are guided by the philosophy of continuous progression and incessant pursuit of perfection. With its  advanced pedagogy and need-based curriculum, the University
aims at providing just  the rightly-balanced learning to the student. LPU’s superiority is recognized by the faith of 24000 students studying on its campus, making it the  largest University in  India, in terms of on-campus number of students.

A Brush with Technology: LPU, keeping in pace with the latest, brings the most modern and the most sophisticated of the technology to its campus. The motive is not just to be tech-oriented, rather making the students have a brush with the latest and the most happening technological innovations hitting the scene.

World Class Infrastructure: With 550+ acres sprawling campus, housing megalith buildings, state- of- the- art libraries & laboratories,  hostels accommodating more than 10,000 boys & girls;  and a world class auditorium ,  LPU sets a precedence in creating high-class infrastructure. We provide the best  to our students, because we want to derive the best out of our students !

Multicultural settings: With students from  23 states and 5 different countries, LPU Campus is a virtual melting pot of diverse cultures and other regional diversities. The different colours of multiplicity bloom into a beautiful assortment, dishing out to the students an opportunity to learn novelties and imbibing the invaluable qualities of co-existence and harmony.

Recreation: Lovely Campus doles out plentiful opportunities for students to rewind after a hectic day at class room.  Beautiful gardens, sizzling eating-joints, green lawns, multiple play grounds, bustling malls; all add up to give campus the feel of a Mini-city. Step out of the main gate, there are reputed exclusive outlets of national and international repute for eating, shopping and enjoying.

Serene and salubrious settings: Perched amidst the green fields and a small rivulet, the University basks in the glory of the beauty of nature. Free from the hustle-n-bustle of big towns, it provides a serene and still environment stimulating the sense of aesthetics in the students. Unquestionably, an aesthetic mind delivers more and delivers quality !


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